Download the new version Dune II
Download the new version Dune II

download the new version Dune II

What' particularly good about the sonic tank is that unless it's been targetted by an enemy unit, it can cause a lot of damage to/destroy enemy invaders without them being aware they're being shot at and shooting back.Ītriedes turrets don't shoot the worms because they're honourable, tree-hugging greenie righteous folk with an impeccable code of conduct toward the natives. The process is a bit cumbersome, and not always successful, but quite satisfying when it works. If you can do that, on arrival at the enemy structure, it's instantly destroyed. It can only take two or three turret shots, so its a good idea to parallel it with some heavy armour to draw the turret fire. Don't let it stop anywhere or it just freezes that spot and is finished, so as it's approaching it's run-in point, direct it to the enemy structure. Then, steer it to an area where it can attack an enemy base without a wall in the way. You have to locate its position by means of radar to select it. The saboteur can be directed by clicking on it. Palaces, refineries, the spot just shy of a turret, etc.

download the new version Dune II

If you have no enemy base visible on your screen, just target where you think something vital to the enemy is. It will then tottle off and keep firing at the selected target till its destroyed. Then click on it again and select attack, but wait for it to change back to its correct colour before selecting the target. Once youve deviated an enemy unit, and especially if its something good at destroying buildings (like a launcher) click on it and direct it to retreat, or head for another enemy base.

Download the new version Dune II